
Center Shock

Could people really #RemainUnshocked when they ate Center Shock?

Perfetti Van Melle India relaunched the Center Shock candy in the Indian market as a limited edition in April 2017. Center Shock was initially launched in 2002, and created excitement in the chewing gum category with an offbeat sour flavour and a ‘shocking’ consumption experience. The brand created its own set of followers with a differentiated taste profile and entertaining advertising.

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The objective was to drive awareness and trials for the limited edition.

The clear brief given to us was to touch base with two types of target audience

Ones who had experienced Centershock in the past and still craved for it

The new millennials who had never experienced Center Shock.

    Drive Awareness
    Drive Affinity
    Drive Trials
    Use Media
    A Social Challenge


To create awareness and buzz around the re-launch of Center Shock we did two campaigns - #CenetrShockIsBack and #RemainUnshocked Challenge.

With #CenterShotIsBack – we took LIVE the popular Center Shock TVC on social media to tap into the nostalgia. It was promoted on Facebook and seeded on Twitter via influencers. To capitalize on the attention garnered through the campaign, we designed some nostalgic posts on our social media to keep the audience engaged.

In the #RemainUnshocked Challenge – We challenged popular stand up comics Tanmay Bhat, Abhish Mathew and Sahil Shah to eat 2 Center Shocks and maintain a poker face. If they failed the challenge, they would have to challenge their fans to take up the same.

We also created a video series featuring the reactions we got through the challenge and shared it on social media.


Center Shock became the only FMCG brand to get such a high organic fan base.

Both our campaigns trended on Twitter. The brand’s reach exponentially surged from 125 fans to 28k+ fans on Facebook in just 2 months! For the #RemainUnshocked Challenge we created a whopping 1.3 crore impressions on Twitter.

  • 13 Mn impressions on twitter
  • 28K Organic Fans

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