
Brand Media

We amalgamate compelling media and result-driven strategies.

Brand Media

As one of the top digital marketing agencies in India, Grapes offers different customized and result-driven media channels through which advertisers can seamlessly connect to their prospective and existing customers, and, through media plans, we ensure the right media mix to drive maximum awareness, top mind recall and reach for your brand communications.


Tell your brand story, reach potential new customers, and help build trust and confidence in your brand. Help maximize the size of the audience you want to reach.


Reach shoppers who are in a shopping mindset by creating ads that are relevant and engaging. Consideration campaigns focus on engaging prospective customers.


Engage with high-intent shoppers who may move from the consideration phase into making a purchase.


Help drive repeat sales from customers who previously purchased your products or service.

What We Offer

As the world runs on produced content, we at Grapes ensure that we create content while keeping the standards high with different channels and processes.

Target Audience Identification

We give Insight that many businesses need to successfully streamline their marketing processes to derive maximum value from a campaign.

Market Analysis

It entails quantitative and qualitative market assessment to know the market size (volume and value), customer segments, competition, and other economic aspects.

Setting Media Objectives

Our team identifies objectives for your brands to get a favourable response from all target audiences.

Setting Brand and Media KPIs

Our team exactly knows what to measure and how to track the performance indicators to deliver the exact ROI for your significant brand.

Identify Media Mix

Our team of experts exhausts the right combination of communication channels to meet marketing objectives and all business goals of the brand.

Media Plans

Our expert media planning team takes the message to its target audience at the right time & place and analytically compares different media segments.

PDCA Reporting

With PDCA reporting at hand, our team provides a simple and effective approach for solving problems and managing change.

Annual Media Analysis

Our team provides an annual media analysis of all brands to precisely calculate the marketing reports and take inputs from different planning channels.

Case Studies

We are not only storytellers but also listeners, and hand raisers. because we love to make the stories of our client better for their customers.

Flexible and Scalable Market Platforms Allow Brands

We are not only storytellers but also listeners, and hand raisers. because we love to make the stories

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Flexible and Scalable Market Platforms Allow Brands

We are not only storytellers but also listeners, and hand raisers. because we love to make the stories

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Flexible and Scalable Market Platforms Allow Brands

We are not only storytellers but also listeners, and hand raisers. because we love to make the stories

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