
PR Services

Grapes is one of the top digital marketing agencies in India. We @ Grapes offer customised and result-driven Digital PR solutions to place our clients at the forefront of potential audiences.

Whether it is social media, website, owned content, or influencer PR, no brand can survive without going digital today.

Digital PR

Smartphones have become an essential part of our day-to-day activities. Digitization has created a profound impact in almost all areas of life, including business and work. Therefore, digital PR has become imperative, so much that brands have already moved away from the focus on traditional. So, we at Grapes offer you different ways of finding solutions for all your digital woes.

Crisis Management

We deal with major unpredictable events that threaten the brand and its stakeholders or the general public. We identify and pre-brief the best spokespeople, choosing correct communication channels to engage with the audience, rapidly examine and respond to your audience’s feedback throughout the lifespan of any crisis.

Brand Advocacy

We voice the right message through equitable channels to make the brand noticeable. Support the brand/company and promote their services or products organically to new customers, making the brand visible & known to a larger audience with an advertising boost.

Reputation Management

PR goes hand in hand with digital marketing & other more traditional approaches of the industry. As an agency, we build the reputation of our clients with strategic planning and proposition. We come in when the brand/client/company fails to react appropriately to the negative stories and comments surrounding them in the media.

Case Studies

We are not only storytellers but also listeners, and hand raisers. because we love to make the stories of our client better for their customers.

Flexible and Scalable Market Platforms Allow Brands

We are not only storytellers but also listeners, and hand raisers. because we love to make the stories

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Flexible and Scalable Market Platforms Allow Brands

We are not only storytellers but also listeners, and hand raisers. because we love to make the stories

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Flexible and Scalable Market Platforms Allow Brands

We are not only storytellers but also listeners, and hand raisers. because we love to make the stories

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