
eCommerce Market Place

We @ Grapes strategise effective techniques and eCommerce tools for driving traffic to the online stores.

eCommerce Market Place

An eCommerce marketplace is a place or a website where one can find different brands & products driving through multiple vendors showcased on the same platform. As one of the leading digital marketing agencies in India, Grapes streamlines this process through different portals, where companies can sell their products directly to the consumers, avoiding the stagnant process of stock holding.

What We Offer

To be as profitable as possible on these platforms, an individual first needs to identify the best online marketplaces for the brand they have, and we at Grapes give you the means and the tools to understand and study these factors at length.

Identifying E-commerce Partners

Our team of experts help you identify the perfect e-commerce partners for your business and ones that suit your brands like Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, etc.

Product Listing

An Amazon product listing is the product page for each of the items you sell on Amazon that includes information like title, images, description, and price.

A+ Content

Amazon A+ Content helps brand owners increase traffic, conversion rate and sales by enabling them to describe product features in an advanced way.

Primary Vs Secondary Sales

Primary Sales is a manufacturing company/national supplier that sells to a local distributor. Secondary Sale is a distributor who invoices the product to a retailer

Search Plans

We determine the CPA, get data on CPC and CR, calculate effective eCPC to reach the desired level of payback and set them as search advertising experts’ KPIs.

BAU & Events Planning

Creating display plans to drive traffic to the brand store and PDP pages to open the upper funnel and increase GV’s

Case Studies

We are not only storytellers but also listeners, and hand raisers. because we love to make the stories of our client better for their customers.

Flexible and Scalable Market Platforms Allow Brands

We are not only storytellers but also listeners, and hand raisers. because we love to make the stories

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Flexible and Scalable Market Platforms Allow Brands

We are not only storytellers but also listeners, and hand raisers. because we love to make the stories

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Flexible and Scalable Market Platforms Allow Brands

We are not only storytellers but also listeners, and hand raisers. because we love to make the stories

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